17 Proyecto 2

Proyecto 2

El anuncio infográfico

For this project you will create a printed infographic advertising your hometown and your apartment or room.

STEP 1. Identify a current or past location.

  1. Identify a place that you consider your hometown. This place can be a current location or a past place where you lived.
  2. Determine the home in which you lived. i.e. house, apartment, room, or dorm.

STEP 2. Identify and describe at least 5 places around your hometown. Minimum 2 adjectives.

  1. Lugar 1 El centro comercial es grande y moderno.
  2. Lugar 2 _____________________________________________________
  3. Lugar 3 _____________________________________________________
  4. Lugar 4 _____________________________________________________
  5. Lugar 5 _____________________________________________________

STEP 3. Select the type of house in which you live and include at least 2 rooms and 3 furniture items each to showcase.

  1. Mi casa/Mi apartamento/Mi dormitorio tiene/es…
  2. Mi pieza 1:
  3. Mi pieza 2:
  4. Los muebles:

STEP 4. Prepare a brochure or poster showcasing your hometown and the place where you live. Attach a written narrative that describes your hometown and your living arrangements.

Ideas: you may include a google map, personal pictures or drawings. Locate your place within the city.

  • ¨ Complete all the steps
  • ¨ Narrative should not exceed 200 words.

STEP 5. Exchange completed infographic and narrative with a classmate and write 2 sentences commenting on what you learned from your classmate’s place and living arrangements.



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Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by gabrielaolivares; eden jones; rklevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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