9 Proyecto 1

La presentación personal

For this project you will create a FlipGrid to introduce yourself, your studies and your daily activities during the weekends.

STEP 1. Create some questions to obtain the following information.

  1. Nombre ¿Cómo te llamas?
  2. Edad ________________________________________________________
  3. Teléfono _____________________________________________________
  4. Ciudad                 _____________________________________________
  5. Correo electrónico __________________________________________
  6. Clases favoritas (2)___________________________________________
  7. Clases difíciles (2)____________________________________________
  8. Actividades los sábados y domingos (3) _____________________

STEP 2. Answer the questions you just created. Provide multiple answers when possible.

  1. Nombre Me llamo Marisol
  2. Edad _________________________________________________________
  3. Teléfono _____________________________________________________
  4. Ciudad                 ______________________________________________
  5. Correo electrónico____________________________________________
  6. Clases favoritas (2)____________________________________________
  7. Clases difíciles (2)_____________________________________________
  8. Actividades los sábados y domingos (3)________________________

STEP 3. Write down your presentation

Use the answer you provided in STEP 2 to start writing your personal presentation to record via FlipGrid.

STEP 4. Uploading

Once done with all previous steps, go on Flipgrid (you will find a link in your instructor’s page) and record your personal presentation by introducing yourself, your studies, and your activities.

  • ¨ Answers to all 8 questions from STEP 2
  • ¨ Has at least 40 words and no more than 80 words (step 3)

STEP 5. Comments

Watch at least 2 of your classmates’ videos and record a comment.


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Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by gabrielaolivares; eden jones; rklevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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