
19 03 Vocabulary List AB

A) La familia (my family)

la madre mother
el padre father
la hija daughter
la abuela grandmother
la nieta granddaughter
la tía aunt
la sobrina niece
la prima cousin
la hermana sister
el padrastro step-father
la madrastra step-mother
el pariente relative
la pareja partner
la amiga friend
la esposa / la mujer wife
el marido husband
la mascota pet
el perro dog
el gato cat

B) Las características (characteristics)

alta tall
baja short
de estatura mediana of medium height
guapa good-looking
bonita pretty
hermosa beautiful
fea ugly
delgada thin
gorda fat
joven young
vieja old
rubia blonde
morena brunette
pelirroja redheaded
calva bald
seria serious
simpática nice
antipática mean
trabajadora hard-working
perezosa lazy
fuerte strong
inteligente intelligent
conservadora conservative
progresista progressive
optimista optimistic
pesimista pessimistic
menor younger
mayor older
elegante elegant
cariñosa caring
mejor better
peor worse
estar casado/a married
estar divorciado/a divorced
ser soltero/a single
llevar gafas to wear glasses

C. Expresiones con tener (expressions with tener)

tener… to have…
pelo rubio blond hair
pelo castaño brown hair
pelo rizo curly hair
pelo lacio straight hair
barba a beard
bigote a mustache
canas gray hair
ojos (azules, verdes, etc.) eyes (blue, green, etc)

D. La hora (the time)

¿Qué hora es… What time is it?
por la mañana / la tarde / la noche in the morning / afternoon / evening (general time)
de la mañana / la tarde / la noche in the morning / afternoon / evening (specific time)
Son las… It is (time great than 1:00)
Es la una It is 1:00
Y media thirty (with time)
Y / Menos cuarto quarter (with time)
en punto on the dot (with time)

E. Verbos ER/IR (verbs ending in -er or -ir)

ver to see
leer to read
correr to run
comer to eat
cumplir to complete / to turn (a certain age)
beber to drink
barrer to sweep
aprender to learn
comprender to understand
vender to sell
vivir to live
escribir to write
subir to climb
compartir to share
abrir to open
describir to describe
recibir to receive
asistir to attend

F. La rutina (routine)

el horario schedule
los quehaceres chores
la tarea homework
el informe report / paper
el examen exam
la composición composition
el libro book
el concierto concert
la película movie
el desayuno breakfast
el almuerzo lunch
la cena dinner
dar un paseo to take a walk
tomar una siesta to take a nap



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Semillas: Elementary Spanish I Copyright © by Gabriela Olivares; eden jones; Rachel Klevar; and Giovanni Zimotti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.