Unit 3: Getting to, and thinking critically about, the [Secondary] Research

Getting to, and thinking critically about, the [Secondary] Research

Alright, peeps, this is where the rubber starts to meet the road  [1]. This week we’re really starting to test our critical thinking skills, coming up against some new challenges to critical information consumers such as crap research published in predatory journals. As my sister-in-law and I were discussing the other day, back in the olden days when we were young, if you wanted to know something it was ONLY a common way (aka: ask mom…who MAY be informed but maybe not) or encyclopedia Britannica. Yup, all the world’s basic knowledge was wrapped up in these 20+ enormous books. And those things were hella expensive – not at all accessible like the web – and we sure couldn’t afford them at my house.

Week 3! Have you noticed that I made the units line up with the semester weeks? I like to think that this is really helpful so please pretend that it’s really helpful.

Sep 5, 2023 12:30 PM Unit 3
Sep 7, 2023 12:30 PM Unit 3

After this unit you should be able to: 

    1. Identify, analyze, and evaluate “traditional” sources of information. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1).
    2. Identify, analyze, and evaluate “new media” sources of information. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1).
Unit 1Unit 2….Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16

III. Unit 3: Getting to, and thinking critically about, the [Secondary] Research

9. What is a journal?

10. Research through databases

11. Primary vs Secondary Research

12. Publishing and Predators

[Yes, yes, this again!] We’re going to cover some pretty complicated concepts in this course. I recommend that you watch this video at the outset of each unit, and think about the major concepts and how they related to the content of each unit. Each unit has an entire chapter dedicated to the concepts described in this video. You will only be tested on the concepts when they are included in a chapter. Re-watching this video allows you to think about how the concepts all fit together.

  1. this is an english idiom that basically means that things are starting to get serious. https://knowyourphrase.com/when-the-rubber-hits-the-road


Introduction to Social Scientific Research Methods in Communication (3rd Edition) Copyright © 2023 by Kate Magsamen-Conrad. All Rights Reserved.

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