Unit 11: Ok, but who did you ask?

Unit 11: Ok, but who did you ask?

AKA: Sampling

Jim-in-y Cricket, Sampling is my THING. Golly is it irritating when folks are all like “Survey finds that students say online education sucks” and you dig and find out that they actually asked a small group of students failing the hardest class in the major. Well, duh. Of COURSE they think it sucks. Sampling is super important, often done REALLY poorly, and a go-to Should You Believe It red flag. And in this unit (and the next) we gonna talk all about why.

I am running out of clever captions
Oct 31, 2023 12:30 PM Unit 11
Nov 2, 2023 12:30 PM Unit 11


After this unit you should be able to:

  1. Classify, compare, and provide examples of different sampling strategies and explain their appropriateness as compared to a study’s intentions. (Aligns with Learning Outcomes 1 and 2[1]).

Real Talk

Also, listen, if you’re reading this now you’re probably not the student I need to worry about but you know that your next exam is coming up, right? And that you should be studying as you go because we all know that cramming it all right before the exam doesn’t tend to result in a score you’re happy with…

Unit 1Unit 2….Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16

XI. Unit 11: Ok, but who did you ask?

Where in an article to find the deets on sampling

Determining Representativeness

Determining Sample Size

Basic Components of Sampling


We’re going to cover some pretty complicated concepts in this course. I recommend that you watch this video at the outset of each unit, and think about the major concepts and how they related to the content of each unit. Each unit has an entire chapter dedicated to the concepts described in this video. You will only be tested on the concepts when they are included in a chapter. Re-watching this video allows you to think about how the concepts all fit together.


  1. I know, right? They all do...