Unit 6: Don’t be bashful- interrogate that primary research!

Don’t be bashful- interrogate that primary research!

You made it through your first exam and that’s a fact. We’re continuing on our quest to create Competent Information Consumers. I swear that in 2020 the goal became more important to me every time I saw information about the coronavirus shared. What IS the truth? What are facts, what is real? How do we know what to believe? Should You Believe it?

Hey-O! Look who made it to week six!

Sep 27, 2022 12:30 PM

Sep 29, 2022 12:30 PM Unit 6

We will not cover Lateral and Vertical Reading Fall 2023. H0wever, is captured in the zoom recordings already in this book and probably Prof. Slattery’s favorite lesson from research methods. We kept it in for those who wish to learn more (but you will not be tested on this material). We hope that you enjoy it! Ok, ok. Maybe that’s a stretch. We hope that you get a lot out of it!


Here’s what we worked on before the exam:

  1. Provide examples of where knowledge comes from. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1).
  2. Compare and contrast everyday ways of knowing to scientific ways of knowing. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1)
  3. Explain what communication/academic research is and does. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1).
  4. Identify, analyze, and evaluate “new media” sources of information. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1).
  5. Identify, analyze, and evaluate “traditional” sources of information. (Aligns with Learning Outcome 1).

We’re going to continue working at this, especially outcomes four and five!

Unit 1Unit 2….Unit 3Unit 4Unit 5Unit 6Unit 7Unit 8Unit 9Unit 10Unit 11Unit 12Unit 13Unit 14Unit 15Unit 16

VI. Unit 6: Don’t be bashful- interrogate that primary research!

21. Lateral vs vertical reading

22. Basic vs Applied Research

23. The Dreaded Ologies — An Introduction (with a side of paradigm)


We’re going to cover some pretty complicated concepts in this course. I recommend that you watch this video at the outset of each unit, and think about the major concepts and how they related to the content of each unit. Each unit has an entire chapter dedicated to the concepts described in this video. You will only be tested on the concepts when they are included in a chapter. Re-watching this video allows you to think about how the concepts all fit together.