
Unit 6: Qual vs Quant.

30 Logical Systems: Induction and Deduction

Before we get TOO much further along, and very far into to that evil philosophy-type stuff (very meta). This step isn’t TOTALLY philosophical but your brain might be hurting enough from the ologies lesson that it’s still sore. You can see here that it talks about research questions and hypotheses and other concepts we’ve explored or will continue to explore).

Learning Objectives

How do inductive and deductive reasoning differ?


  • Deductive reasoning begins with a hypothesis or research question, and the research follows. It is formulaic and usually follows a simple step by step structure
  • Moves from general to specific
  • Involves Theory Verification


  • Inductive reasoning is the opposite of deductive reasoning. Inductive reasoning takes a specific instance and applies it to a general conclusion
  • Moves from specific to general
  • Theory Development


  1. Grandmas like red lipstick. Red lipstick is made from beetles. Grandmas like beetles. What kind of reasoning is this?
  2. What type of reasoning would I use when conducting research to test theories to advance disciplinary knowledge?
  3. What is the main difference between inductive and deductive reasoning?




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