
Unit 6: Qual vs Quant.

34 But what if I can’t find it in a database?

Listen, I can’t actually help myself so here is a potential teachable moment. If you’re looking for a specific article but the library doesn’t have it, pop the title into google (with ” ” like we learned in the Lateral/Vertical lecture) and scout around. Many scholars use sites such as researchgate and academia.edu to share their work.

Key Takeaways

Research “lives” in many places.

Learning Objectives

Be ready to execute multiple strategies in order to find the OG research!

But what if I can’t find it in a database?

Article 2 – Remix:
Kate Magsamen-Conrad, Maria K. Venetis, Maria G. Checton & Kathryn Greene (2019) The Role of Response Perceptions in Couples’ Ongoing Cancer-Related Disclosure, Health Communication, 34:9, 999-1009, DOI: 10.1080/10410236.2018.1452091

this link leads to researchgate, a “third party” website where I uploaded it


<- this is the link via the publisher’s website



LINK TWO: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/10410236.2018.1452091?journalCode=hhth20





LINK THREE -> Now this one is extra special. this particular work was funded by a grant. As such, it gets special publishing workarounds, and depending on the agreement with a particular journal[1], get’s published open access though NIH.

And now: Back to your regularly scheduled chapter!


  1. The agreement is usually related to time. How long after publication in the journal do they have to wait. For some journals it's immediate, others it's 6 months, a year, etc.


Communication Research in Real Life Copyright © 2023 by Kate Magsamen-Conrad. All Rights Reserved.