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1. Common Ways of Knowing
2. Problems with Common Ways of Knowing
3. Evil Plot to Develop Competent Information Consumers
4. Comparing and Contrasting Reporting Standards
5. Scientific Ways of Knowing
6. Problems with Scientific Ways of Knowing
7. Other ways of knowing.... Research
8. What is Communication Research?
9. [Social Scientific] Communication Research at Iowa
10. Evaluating Online Information: Research and Disinformation Series
11. Evaluating Online Information: Overview
12. Lateral vs vertical reading - Lecture for COM 1305
13. Evaluating Online Information: Lateral Reading
14. Evaluating Online Information: Bias & Disinformation
15. Evaluating Online Information: Types of Misinformation
16. Evaluating Online Information: Reverse Image Searching
17. Evaluating Online Information: Logical Fallacies
18. Evaluating Online Information: Fact-Checking Resources
19. Evaluating Online Information: Additional Resources
20. Communication Theory: A Foundation for Understanding
21. Everyday Knowing vs. Scholarly Theories
22. Methodology Broadly: Social Scientific and Interpretive Approaches
23. The Interplay of Research and Communication Theories
24. Multiple Approaches to Research Design/Methodology
25. What is a journal? ("social scientific research methodsly" speaking)
26. [secondary] Research through databases
27. Primary vs Secondary Research
28. Deconstructing Journal Articles
29. Publishing and Predators
30. Logical Systems: Induction and Deduction
31. Qualitative vs. Quantitative Research [brief overview]
32. Consuming Research Articles: The Central Question
33. Article Navigation - Redux
34. But what if I can't find it in a database?
35. JARS - It's not what you think
36. Quantitative Methods in Communication Research
37. Mixed Methods in Communication Research
38. Qualitative Methods in Communication Research
39. Basic Components of Sampling
40. Determining Representativeness
41. Considerations When Sampling
42. Determining Sample Size
43. Probability Sampling
44. Non-Probability Sampling
45. Where in an article to find the deets on sampling
46. Variables; Operational and Conceptual Definitions
47. Variable oh variable! Wherefore art thou o' variable?
48. On being skeptical [about concepts and variables]
49. What is Qualitative Research?
50. Characteristics of Qualitative Research
51. What counts as data and how do you get it? (inanimate)
52. What counts as data and how do you get it? (it's....alive!) - Interviews
53. What counts...focus groups and observations
54. RQs - Definition, Fact, Association, Causation
55. HYs- Association, Causation, Direction
56. Independent and Dependent Variables Related to Causation
57. Games referenced in the lecture video from RQs - Definition, Fact, Association, Causation
58. Proprietary Research vs. Scholarly Research
59. Basic vs Applied Research
60. Translation
61. Should You Believe It?
62. Paradigms -- What's in the box?
63. The Dreaded Ologies -- An Introduction (with a side of paradigm)
64. Paradigms Extended (added per request)
65. Paradigm Images
66. PPT Slides - Paradigms, what's in the box metaphor
67. How to be a successful student
68. Course Purpose and Objectives
69. Learning OUTCOMES
70. How to use canvas (ICON)
Basic Methods Vocab
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Communication Research in Real Life Copyright © 2023 by Kate Magsamen-Conrad. All Rights Reserved.