
Exam Review & Exam 1

  • Exam 1 covers the material identified in the syllabus between weeks 1 and 7


Exams (2 – 100 points each – 200 total)

  • Students are expected to demonstrate understanding of course concepts. You will be asked to read questions and decide the best answer. Most questions will test critical thinking (how and where do concepts apply) rather than definition.
  • The exam includes 50 multiple choice, true false, and choose all questions. Each question is worth two points.
  • The system will randomly assign questions from each question bank. Each chapter has multiple banks associated with it so that I can be sure students get an equivalent experience across randomization.
  • Exams are completed online using lockdown browser, during lecture time on a specific day, disseminated and automatically graded through ICON. Lockdown should lock you in to one screen to complete your exam. It is NOT the software that spies on you/your room.
  • Exam grades will be visible to students after the statistical item analysis is complete. This analysis cannot be performed until all students have completed the exam. Items missed and correct answers will not be visible online on your personal computer. Instead, we invite you to visit during drop-in hours or make an appointment to go over your exam so that we can make a plan to help you understand what the exam said you did not understand, or shift your study or exam behavior so that your exam accurately reflects what you know.
  • The exam is completed IN PERSON, in the classroom, facilitated online through ICON using lockdown browser. There will be a sign-in sheet. You must arrive at 12:30pm or prior in order to check in.
  • You should complete this exam on your own. Not only is working with a friend cheating, but students also often do worse when they collaborate (don’t say I didn’t warn you!). Canvas has internal statistical mechanisms that give us a heads up about collaborating.
  • The exam is during class time. It is 40 minutes. On average, students take fewer than 20 minutes to complete this exam, and that is including folks who have double time in the stats.
  • Exam 1 covers the material identified in the syllabus between weeks 1 and 7
  • Exam 2 covers the material identified in the syllabus between weeks 8 and 12
  • A makeup exam will be offered during the time we are assigned during the final examination period. The makeup exam will cover all material for the semester (it is cumulative).
  • EXAM TECHNOLOGY: If you do not have access to a computer for an exam (e.g., you don’t own one, use a desktop from home, it’s broken, you forgot it, you lent it to your grandma, etc.), you might be able to borrow one from the library. Please see: https://www.lib.uiowa.edu/commons/technology/ for more details. Please also let your TA know in advance of the exam if you need help coordinating technology.

REMINDER: The makeup examination date and time will be announced by the Registrar generally by the fifth week of classes. I will announce the final examination date and time for this course at the course ICON site once it is known.

Do not plan your end of the semester travel plans until the final exam schedule is made public. It is your responsibility to know the date, time, and place of the final exam. According to Registrar’s final exam policy, students have a maximum of two weeks after the announced final exam schedule to request a change if an exam conflict exists or if a student has more than two exams in one day (see the policy here).


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