Conversazione: la mia casa ideale
Take your phone or use any video recording system at your disposal, and video-record yourself while speaking in Italian!
Talk about your ideal house: how should it be? What would you like to have in the house? Who would live with you? Where would it be? You could draw a map of your house or use a picture to help the listener imagine your house as well. Be creative and have fun!
Speak spontaneously for 3-4 minutes. DO NOT READ.
Once you have your video, upload the file or the youtube link on the course website.
Tips and Tricks
To help you prepare for this recording, and as you go through your presentation, think about answering these questions:
- Dove vivresti?
- Come sarebbe il tuo appartamento / la tua casa ideale?
- Quante stanze ci dovrebbero essere?
- Quali stanze vorresti nella tua casa ideale?
- Come dovrebbero essere queste stanze?
- Quale potrebbe essere la tua stanza preferita?
- Come dovrebbe essere?
- Descrivi le stanze con dettagli specifici.
Remember to greet your viewer before introducing yourself and at the end.
Remember to use condizionale (the questions above may help you figure out how to use it).
Remember to your vocabulary from this part and any previous vocabulary to enrich your description.
Remember to use a picture or a drawn map to guide your listener in your imaginative narration.
Let your fantasy flow!
Group Conversation
Do you like a challenge?
If you feel audacious you can connect with a classmate and conversate together!
- Connect with a classmate (or another student of Italian) on Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video conferencing tool and record the conversation. If you decide to do this, the whole conversation should last for up to 6 minutes.
- Start with the questions above and conversate freely in Italian by asking and answering those and other questions that you have learned in class.