Conversazione: il mio viaggio nel passato…remoto
Take your phone or use any video recording system at your disposal, and video-record yourself while speaking in Italian!
A trip to the far past: imagine that Doc Brown takes you with his time-travelling DeLorean to a far past. Or maybe you were recruited to become part of the crew of Superheroes aboard the Waiverider from DC’s Legends of Tomorrow and your first assignment was to fix a situation in a very far past. When you come back you just have to tell your friends what happened! Be creative and have fun!
Speak spontaneously for 3-4 minutes. DO NOT READ.
Once you have your video, upload the file or the youtube link on the course website.
Tips and Tricks
To help you prepare for this recording, and as you go through your presentation, think about answering these questions:
- In che anno arrivasti?
- Dove andasti?
- Per quanti giorni stesti in quel luogo?
- Chi incontrasti?
- Viaggiasti da altre parti?
- Come ti muovesti per viaggiare?
- Come ti vestisti?
- Che cosa facesti?
- Che cosa mangiasti?
- Che cosa comprasti?
- Successe qualcosa di divertente, interessante, pericoloso (=dangerous), triste,…?
- End your conversation by giving at least one piece of advice to anyone who wants to travel in time (use imperativo)
Remember also to greet your viewer before introducing yourself and at the end.
Remember, this is was an adventure in the very far past, so you must use Passato Remoto as much as you can to tell you story.
Remember to use the vocabulary about time, about travels and vocabulary from previous parts to fill in the details.
Group Conversation
Do you like a challenge?
If you feel audacious you can connect with a classmate and create together a story!
OR you can challenge each other, and compete to tell the more creative/entertaining/mysterious/… story!
- Connect with a classmate (or another student of Italian) on Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video conferencing tool and record the conversation. If you decide to do this, the whole conversation should last for up to 7 minutes.
- Start with the questions above and conversate freely in Italian by asking and answering those and other questions that you have learned in class.