
Conversazione: La mia città ideale

Take your phone or use any video recording system at your disposal, and video-record yourself while speaking in Italian!

Describe an imaginary city:  find a map of a city or draw one yourself and then describe it. What buildings are there? Where do you live in that city? How do you go from one place to another? What type of activities can a person do in this city? How do you have fun in this city? Who lives with you there? Where do you go to work or school? And remember…have fun!

Speak spontaneously for 2-3 minutes. DO NOT READ.

Once you have your video, upload the file or the youtube link on the course website.

Tips and Tricks

To help you prepare for this recording, and as you go through your descriptions, think about answering these questions:

  • Quali edifici ci sono?
  • Dov’è (name of building)?
  • Chi vive in questa città?
  • Dove lavorano?
  • Che cosa fanno? E tu?
  • Dove puoi andare in questa città?
  • Che attività puoi fare in questa città?
  • Quali sono i tuoi luoghi preferiti? Perché?

Remember: We love creativity! Feel free to use your imagination! Talk about your ideal city, or an extraordinary city, or a fictional city from a tv show that you love, or a movie, or… BUT you can also just describe your city or town if you prefer to be more realistic.

Remember to use Vocabulary from Parts 4 and 6 to talk about activities, and free time and of course this Part’s vocabulary to talk about places.

Group Conversation

Do you like a challenge?

If you feel audacious you can find a classmate and describe to each other your ideal city or even “build” or “create” a city together.

  • Connect with a classmate (or another student of Italian) on Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video conferencing tool and record the conversation. If you decide to do this, the whole conversation should last for up to 5 minutes.
  • Start with the questions above and conversate freely in Italian by asking and answering those and other questions that you have learned in class.
  • Keep asking also more precise questions using the “interrogatives” that you just studied.
  • Remember to show a picture of the city you guys created or one that you decide to describe together.



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Piacere! Copyright © by Lucia Gemmani; Irene Lottini; and Claudia Sartini-Rideout is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.