
Conversazione: Un salto nel passato

Take your phone or use any video recording system at your disposal, and video-record yourself while speaking in Italian!

Describe a trip that you did in the past: Where did you go? What did you do? Who did you meet? What food did you eat?  You can talk about any past travelling…you can even imagine a past adventure … and remember have fun!

Speak spontaneously for 2-3 minutes. DO NOT READ.

Once you have your video, upload the file or the youtube link on the course website.

Tips and Tricks

To help you prepare for this recording, and as you go through your descriptions, think about answering these questions:

  • Dove sei andato/a?
  • Che cosa hai visto?
  • Che cosa hai fatto?
  • Che cibo hai mangiato? E che cosa hai bevuto?
  • Chi è venuto con te?
  • Come avete passato il tempo?
  • Chi hai incontrato?
  • È successo qualcosa di interessante / divertente / straordinario / spaventoso /…?
  • Che cosa ti è piaciuto? Che cosa non ti è piaciuto?

Remember: We love creativity! Feel free to use your imagination! Talk about an adventure, maybe something that happened to a friend or family member, or just imagine or invent a past trip to a place you always wanted to go!

Remember: You can use pictures and describe things as you go, if it helps.

Remember: use Passato Prossimo!

Remember: use verb PIACERE to talk about what you liked, and you didn’t like.

Remember: use Vocabulary from Parts 4 and 6 to talk about activities and free time, Parts 9 and 10 to talk about places and travels, and of course this Part’s vocabulary to talk about food.

Group Conversation

Do you like a challenge?

If you feel audacious you can find a classmate and describe to each other a past trip you took. If you took it together, challenge each other to give as much details as possible, and see who remembers it better!

  • Connect with a classmate (or another student of Italian) on Zoom, Microsoft Teams or another video conferencing tool and record the conversation. If you decide to do this, the whole conversation should last for up to 5 minutes.
  • Start with the questions above and conversate freely in Italian by asking and answering those and other questions that you have learned in class.



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Piacere! Copyright © by Lucia Gemmani; Irene Lottini; and Claudia Sartini-Rideout is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.