6 Access Point: Hotspot from your school
Some school districts may have the resources to give hotspots to students who need internet for school. The ICCSD does, and you can read more about that program by clicking here, or calling (319) 688-1950 to arrange for district-provided internet access, or filling out this form.
Hotspot setup may vary but will walk you through how to use a Kajeet hotspot that the ICCSD issued to our team. If these instructions do not help, look on the hotspot you have to find a brand name, then google that name, and “how to set up.” For example, ICCSD uses Kajeet, but this article mentions MiFi, Nighthawk, Skyroam, Inseego, and Jetpack.
What’s a hotspot again?
A hotspot is a device that allows you to connect or pair your device to the internet. A Kajeet hotspot looks something like this:
How do I use a hotspot?
First, for this particular hotspot, you need to turn the device on. The power button is located on the side of the device. Hold it down for a few seconds and wait a minute for the device to turn on. Check the diagram for reference.
Once the device is on, you will need to know the username and password.
The first way to access this is through a sticker on the bottom of the device or a piece of paper given to you from the school. Now not all devices have this.
The second way to access the username and password is by pressing the power again. By doing this, the device name will appear. Click it a second time and a password will appear.
Now your device is set up and ready to be used. To learn how to connect to the wifi, follow these links based on the devices you have.
If you need to connect to the internet with mac use this link:
Mac: How to Connect to the Internet
If you need to connect to the internet with PC use this link:
PC: How to Connect to the Internet
If you need to connect to the internet with Chromebook use this link:
Chromebook: How to Connect to the Internet
You can read more about hotspots in general here, or here, this information is provided by Asurion, and Intel, and is a good overview, but they do have a sales-pitch agenda!
Written by: McKenzie Paulsen & Dr. MC