First Thing’s First: Getting “Online” [part 2]

Getting your child on Seesaw so that they can interact with their teacher requires multiple steps. If you already have Internet in your home – (but not via a smartphone hotspot) – the foundational steps are something that you might not even think about. If you do not already have internet access in your home, then this section is for you!

There are many ways to get access to the first main ingredient to online education success – the internet. One way that we mentioned above is to pay for internet to be available in your home. Other ways that may not add additional burden to your budget include hotspots, and “free wifi.” These “access points” are all covered in this next set of chapters:

“HOTSPOT” issued by your school district

HOTSPOT from your cellular telephone

Internet that you pay for at home

Free wifi


As a general disclaimer, we are using terms and keywords above as we’ve heard them used by the communities with whom we partner, which doesn’t *exactly* align with the technical explanations. We’ll include some of this explanation in the chapters, and if you’re interested, I liked this description from Intel.


Written by: DocMC


Surviving Seesaw – You got this! Copyright © by Kate Magsamen-Conrad. All Rights Reserved.

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