The CommUnity Health Action Lab
What is the “CUHAL” mission? 
The primary goal of the CommUnity Health Action Lab (CUHAL) is to understand and provide feasible, workable solutions to problems through partnerships with affected communities. We aim to improve health across the lifespan in contexts ranging from the healthcare environment, to the community, to the digital web. Our research prioritizes circumstances that can be improved through communication intervention and are experienced within vulnerable communities. We partner with individuals, families, healthcare providers, non-profit organizations, social welfare organizations, and across all levels of government.
We engage theory to understand problems and contexts and use field experiences with communities to build theory. Most notably we use information management theories, technology adoption theory, and theories of supportive communication to inform our efforts.
Our recent scholarship is published in Health Communication, Journal of Health Communication, Journal of Applied Communication Research, Journal of Surgical Oncology, Supportive Care in Cancer, American Journal of Clinical Oncology, BMC Women’s Health, and Computers in Human Behavior.
CUHAL Directors:
Dr. Kate Magsamen-Conrad, University of Iowa
Dr. Maria Venetis, Rutgers University
What are CUHAL Publications?
These materials were produced by the CommUnity Health Action Lab under the direction of founder Dr. Kate Magsamen-Conrad. One primary goal of “Dr. MC’s” research is to understand and provide cost-effective solutions to problems through partnerships with affected communities. The lab produces free, evidence-based resources that are grounded in theory.
Who wrote this book?
This manual, and all CUHAL Publications, is a team product. Our teams are a combination of academic types and community partners. The academic types include university professors/researchers, graduate students, and undergraduate students. The community partners include individuals from the communities we hope to help and community members who are involved with helping those same groups.
CommUnity Health Action Lab Authors:
Final Editing and Production (CUHAL Honors Fellows):
CUHAL 2020 Capstone Support & Graduate Team Member:
Erin Slattery
Ebenezer Aidoo
Community Partners:
Individuals from the Iowa City Community School District representing student and family advocacy, youth and family development, instructional design strategy, technology & innovation, cultural liaisons, and neighborhood nests.
*Individual names pending permission
Senior Graduate Research Assistant, Iowa Lab Manager:
Austin Beattie
Lab Founder and Co-Director:
And finally…
Why are there errors?
I mean… I hope there aren’t but even on my 7248908490328th time through this manual I found a typo here, or a confusing turn of phrase there.
“These resources are frequently under construction or being updated, but are published as soon as possible for immediate community use. We appreciate your patience with the process.”
Real Talk – We are in a race – against time, our limited resources, and our community members’ need for information NOW.